Tuesday, June 16, 2009

6 Ways Small Businesses Can Survive In A Crazy Economy

Contrary to popular belief, small businesses can survive a crazy
economy by taking some proactive steps.

1. Provide spectacular customer service -- every time. Have a friend
or colleague visit your business and provide feedback from a
customer's perspective. This person should be unknown by your staff
and willing to provide a candid assessment.

2. Make sure your front and back office work like a well-oiled
machine. Are the front line and the back office telling your customers
the same thing?

3. Manage your customer relationships -- return customers take the
least amount of effort -- use that to your advantage. Keep in touch

4. Review your strategic plan monthly (weekly is even better). Make
sure you're doing the things that will get you where you want to go.

5. Adjust your strategic plan as necessary. Your "smallness" makes you
more flexible.

6. Communicate, communicate, communicate -- with your employees and
your customers. Nurture those relationships. Ask for feedback often.

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