Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Business Writing Tip: Question & Answer Format

Traditionally, business writing uses the "one thing after another"
format, which usually means a plain recitation of the facts,
circumstances, or whatever else needs to be said.

But, we have a number of other options, and some of them may provide
more responses or better responses. Consider the Q & A format, for

Question: What's the Q & A format?

Answer: It's a series of questions and answers, used to communicate
important information to readers.

Question: Where can a Q & A be used?

Answer: It can be used in advertising, employee communication, or any
other business situation where you want to provide written information
to other people.

Question: Why or when would you use this format?

Answer: When I have a lot of information and want to keep up the
interest of readers, for example. The Q & A format breaks up the
information into smaller, more digestable chunks, and makes the
content seem less formidable to readers.

Question: But don't you need at least two people for this kind of format?

Answer: In the news media, Q & A means one person asks questions and
another person answers. But, in a business writing context, Q & A also
can mean the same person asks and answers.

Question: Can you give a real-life example?

Answer: Sure. I wrote one to promote my book, A Manager's Guide to
Newsletters: Communicating for Results. In that case, the Q & A
provided an insight into my motivations for writing the book, and its
evolution from a descriptive to a strategic approach. The material
might have been handled conventionally, but the Q & A gave it a ring
of detachment with inherently more interest, I think. You can evaluate
it for yourself, at: http://www.managersguide.com/unique.htm .

Question: Is there anything special about writing a Q & A?

Answer: I think a Q & A can take many forms, but generally I'd
recommend that you use a conversational tone if possible. By doing
that, you'll embrace the conventional sense of a Q & A, which is a
discussion between two people.

Question: Did you write this Q & A by yourself?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And who are you?


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