Subject: Missing Secret #1 Revealed
Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 18:06:01 -0500
Suren, We've updated the now famous blog post
(882 comments!) with a video from Dr.
Vitale himself that reveals "Missing
Secret #1."
Whether you're in my camp or his on
"LOA" you'll find what he says there
to be a revelation on many levels:
Mark Joyner
Founder of Simpleology
P.S. In case you haven't seen any of
the hundreds of success stories we get
flooding in every single day, here are
a couple for you that will inspire ...
"Thirteen days so far. I feel more
energy, much more than I started with
and I'm just starting the Power Praxes!
Already that 15 minutes is altering my
actions (from little to more and growing)
and I'm anxious to move forward now. I
have sent information about the class to
several people so far, and will continue
to do so. It's great feeling energy
again, and I want to share it with
everyone I know."
- * Dr. Clifford Tedder
I have been doing my Daily Target Praxes,
I have been getting SO much more done,
I mean ten times as much done in terms of
my daily output as a freelance editor...
but what has been most exciting to me is
the fact that I'm actually reaching my
goals instead of them being nebulous
points on the horizon. As a children's
author this means that I'm actually
writing books and articles and getting
them out to publishers and Simpleology
has absolutely been the driving force
behind this change in the way I see
things and the way I operate. Thank you
for making the straight line to success
so clear!"
- * Marlo Garnsworthy
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