Monday, April 27, 2009

Lesson 1 – 23 Internet Marketing B.S. Dispelled

Lesson 1 – 23 Internet Marketing B.S. Dispelled


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This report is dedicated to all budding Internet Marketers and those who

are tired of the same, old advices that never worked in the Internet


Chances are that you are considering if Internet Marketing is for you or

are sick and tired of the fluff and hypes that fill the cyber space. Perhaps,

a friend or someone you know strongly thinks that you should read this


Nonetheless, if you are serious in your Internet Entrepreneur undertakings

and education, this report is for you.

Give Away Rights

This report is a FREE report. You are allowed to distribute this report to

your friends, family members, co-workers, subscribers, customers, and

those whom you think are in need of the information found within this

report, as long as the contents of this report remain unaltered in any way,

any how, and at any time.

23 Internet Marketing B.S. Dispelled


Thank you for reading this report, and I appreciate the time you take to

invest in gaining this essential education you need in order to succeed online

as an Internet Marketer.

This report has been created to help you dispel some 23 of the most ironic

dogmas you often heard in Internet Marketing. Like you, I was once at the

learning stage of starting and operating my Online Business. I wish I could

say that it was smooth sailing for me, but it definitely was not.

It was a while until I have seen some solid income rolling in from my Online

Business. I was happy, excited and loaded, needless to say.

When more and more opportunities and offers pour into my mailbox in

forms of Joint Venture Proposals, products ideas, business solutions, and

more, I strongly took notice of one particular group of people who mail me –

the new, budding Internet Marketers.

More and more people, whom have primarily come from my mailing list,

began asking me questions such as, “How to make money online?” You are

probably asking that, too.

Personally, I do not see myself as a “guru”, but I find it very difficult to give

a definite answer to such a broad question like that.

For one, there are several ways to make money online. Secondly, what

works for me may not work for you or someone else for that matter. I may

be good at writing while you are probably an expert in graphic designing or


And the third and most important reason – which also happens to be the

most compelling reason I wrote this report for the budding Internet

Marketers – more often than not, they have to unlearn what they have

previously learn first before accepting anything new.

This may sound philosophical, but I think that it is too darn important. As

much as I would like to help, I have my own Online Business ventures and

projects to start, run, and perhaps, even finish! But with the number of

emails I receive everyday on “how to make money online” questions, I knew

I cannot just keep quiet and pretend to ignore some emails, though some

irrational and desperate ones deserves to be deleted.

Therefore, I have decided to answer that question, with an answer that clears

the fogs, doubts, and baseless dogmas, once and for all, in this short report.

I know that it is not the kind of answers you are probably expecting, but I

think that it is MORE important that you first unlearn the baseless Internet

Marketing facts you probably subscribe to until today that can responsible

for the difference between $0 and $1 and beyond in your income statement.

At this time of writing, I do not run any seminars whatsoever. However, I do

have some **power** recommendations I can make to you that can help

start or build your business on steroids, though, but they would not do you

any good if you still subscribe to any one of the 23 Internet Marketing myths

and dogmas, consciously or subconsciously, listed below:

Internet Marketing B.S. Statement #1:

Starting and running an Internet Business is expensive.

This statement often comes from people who are living in non-U.S.

countries, especially if the country’s local currency is smaller than that of the

U.S. Dollar.

I think it is more expensive to trade in my financial freedom for receiving

such a small check at month’s end for the rest of my life – at someone else’s

mercy, on top of that. And this is regardless of what currency my money

may be in.

A wise man once said, “If you are not getting anything good out of your

situation now, you are probably trading something else better for it.”

If you are living in a country where things are not as expensive as in some

western countries, you should see it more as an advantage rather than a

disadvantage. Why worry about how much it would cost you in US Dollars

when the amount of money you can make in US Dollars excites you even


Not to mention, that an Internet Business is a lot more affordable to start for

individuals like you and me as opposed to starting a conventional business,

which is obviously more risky and it would take you longer time to save

your money or better financial intelligence to even begin one. And if you

make a financial mistake that ultimately closes your conventional business

down, it would be a question as to when you can start again.

If you still think that starting an Internet Business is expensive, then you are

probably trading your souls for cents. Is that how much you think you are

REALLY worth?

Internet Marketing B.S. Statement #2:

You can make easy money from the Internet.

If it is what I am having in mind right now, this myth is what sets the

realistic apart from the unrealistic. You have definitely heard of stories of

how people make 4, 5 and maybe 6 figure incomes in the shortest period of

time imaginable.

While that is true in genuine cases, and I do know of some of these

powerful, wealthy individuals, what is often not seen in the success story is

the kind of hard work and wisdom put in by these individuals before they

saw the results.

It may seem as if they were overnight successes, but I do not think that they

would agree to it, after having put what it takes to be successful on that day

itself. That is like calling a new-found star an overnight success, which I

doubt he or she would think so, after having put in all his or her effort, talent

and dedication for perhaps, the past several years or so.

Yet, being attracted to advertisements that goes “Earn $10,000.00 in 6

months” or the likes is what most people subscribe to. If you appreciate your

intelligence, you will do well to stay away from ads or programs with hooks

like this.

Internet Marketing B.S. Statement #3:

It is too difficult to make money online.

Since I said that it is not going to be easy money, does it mean that it is too

hard to make money online, too? Hey, ever heard of the razor-edge? It is

not going to be easy, that is a fact. But I did not say that it is going to be too

hard, either!

If you know what to do and actually do it, you would not see this as

impossible. This is because if you are hardworking but do not know what to

do or are heading into the wrong direction, you are wasting your time,

money and you would get de-motivated even faster.

On the other hand, if you have the knowledge and know-how but do not put

apply it, all you get are theories, but no money. I have met individuals who

are probably working harder than me but earn less, and also those who know

more than I do, but are not doing a thing.

So, you need to integrate your knowledge and action into one, and put it into

use. It would not be too easy, but it would be too hard, either. Ordinary

individuals like you and me are making money online everyday. So, can


Lesson 2 – 23 Internet Marketing B.S. continued

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