Lesson5 - Ideas for a successful websites
How can a website be given a professional touch?
Giving your website the professional touch is something that everyone tries to do. The reason that we have said "tries" is because sadly most websites annoy the visitors and does not give the visitor the professional touch at all. Given below are some of the do's and don’ts to help your website getting the touch of a professional:
Webpage’s in your site should be uniformed by keeping text, colors and background images consistent. Overall your site should be loaded within the least amount of time and not take forever as this may bore visitors who do not have fast internet connections. Try and use colors that are web safe.
All graphics, links and menus for navigation in your webpage’s should be unbroken and tested periodically to ensure that none of them are broken.
While talking about graphics you should use pictures that are best fitted to the page and theme of your site. Putting too many pictures is not a good idea; the pictures that you will use for your site should be optimized so that they can be loaded faster.
Newsletters published periodically should be a part of your websites. This is the ideal place to tell them changes in your company, products to be launched, future plans etc. You could ask them to subscribe themselves to notify them for changes.
If you are interested in keeping visitors out then the use of excessive graphics, popup windows and music in the background with no way to put it off is the best thing to do. But if you want them to stay then DON’T have any of the above mentioned things in your website.
Some of the big don’ts in web creation are given below:
* Poor browser compatibility: if your browser is not compatible in most websites than it is not going to catch a huge market. Remember you have a global market to look at it and everyone out there needs to look at it no matter what browser they are using.
* Animated bullets, too many graphic and/or line dividers, multiple banners and buttons: These not only take time in loading but are also something that distracts the visitors from the central purpose of visiting your site.
* Poor use of frames & tables: although these can be very nice to use making the site nice to look at. However these if poorly used can make your website a disaster.
* Too much advertising & large “Welcome banners”: These take up too much of space and give the impression that these were put there to fill space. This impression will give the visitor that you have nothing of importance to tell them and most probably will also give them the idea that you are into spamming them.
* No Meta tags and the use of under construction signs:
* Scrolling text in the status bar, Large scrolling text, Poor use of mouse over effects: Simply put as these are irritating, why? These are put on fun pages, musical sites, and other miscellaneous sites, not when you are in serious business.
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