Monday, April 27, 2009

Lesson7 - Ideas for a successful websites

Lesson7 - Ideas for a successful websites

What would attract you for web designing?

The main attraction in a web design is the concept of the design as a whole. When you are designing a website, you should make sure that the designs have the following requirements fulfilled.

These requirements are further explained below:

* Content
* Graphics
* Colors & Text
* Flash
* Frames
* Organization of files


Content is the main ingredient in any website. You will spread the message of your business through your content. The content should be well written and easy to understand; it should be to the point and relevant. Your customer should be satisfied with the information that is available there. The information available at your site will help you lessen the calls that you would get asking about the various specifications and technicalities of the product or service. Once the content specifies this, your customer will be satisfied and they will then approach you for services for you to render to them.


Graphics is one of the major reasons why people may turn away from your site. The reason for this is not that the visitors don’t like graphics, but it is because of it being a major issue for pages to load. All your graphics should be optimized for faster loading. The graphics should be all relevant to your site and should not be irrelevant. Having graphics that are irrelevant may give the wrong impression to your visitors.

Colors and text

The next most important things in the website design are the colors and the text type and size. The colors and text should be appropriate and pleasing to the eye. At the most, in the whole site there should be only five or six colors used. All colors should fall in the web safe category. The web safe colors are those colors that will be displayed on all browsers as they are. If you don’t use web safe colors and the browser can’t display them, then the nearest matching color will be displayed. The web safe palette contains two hundred and sixteen colors for you to choose from.

The text should not be too small or too big. The type should also be easily legible; if the type is such that it is difficult for people to read then you will be voted for dissatisfaction.


The second deadliest sin in web designing is Flash. Flash files are heavy and take a long time to load. If you are planning to use flash, please use it sparingly. If you are providing a flash intro or small flash presentations in a corner of a web page, you should also provide a link to download the player. The presentation will be useless to people who don’t have the player already installed.


Frames cause many a problem to certain areas in designing a website. A better advantage is to use tables instead of using frames. The reasons why frames are not appropriate are numerous. Some of the problems are that many search engines have problems with sites that are built using frames; scroll bars, which are distracting are made to appear when the content does not fit. Frames should be avoided at all costs when you are designing a website.

Organizing files

The files which you would put on your site should be categorized so that it would be easier to sort them. This will make it easier to manage things and your visitors will be able to find information easily.

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