LESSON 2 - How To Turn Your Website Into A Customer Magnet © magnet4web – All Rights Reserved © magnet4web – All Rights Reserved Skip The Learning Curve In An Instant - Buy The Website Marketing BibleTM: http://www.websitemarketingbible.com
When you start the long process of exchanging reciprocal links with other related web sites it is with the understanding that it is fundamental to your over all online marketing mix.
The more links you have throughout the web on other relevant web sites the more visitors you will attract. “Just listing your web site at the search engines doesn’t mean you’ll be found!” You need to register at the right places, choose the right keywords for your web site and you need to work out how the search engines decide what ranking to give each site so you can start climbing the ranks.
It is only by focusing your efforts on a variety of methods that you will achieve success with your web site marketing strategy. If you get too caught up in attaining top rankings in the search engines though, you will miss out on far more important ways to turn your web site into a customer magnet. Search engines are necessary but there are many other highly effective ways of attracting customers to your web site..
“Don’t Ignore The Power Of The Missing Link” You shouldn’t underestimate the value of links in attracting high volumes of targeted traffic to your web site.
Not only are inbound links the best way to attract quality traffic to your web site they are also invaluable in your long-term battle to rise to the top of the search engines. But you shouldn’t expect things to happen over night – it will take you many, many hours of work to find the right web sites to link with, contact the site owners and establish the reciprocal links.
It is essentially like a free form of advertising - you can dictate the wording of the link, perhaps even include your logo and best of all – you hand pick where your link will be displayed thereby targeting very specifically the type of web users you would like to come through to your web site. You will see more and more traffic coming through to your web site because of the reciprocal links as people click through from other places
your ever-growing links section on your web site will become a useful resource for your web site's visitors. If you have a list of 50 links that are all highly relevant to your target audience and will be of great use to them then you may even find over time that they visit your web site specifically to view the links section.
Once you have the visitors on your site you can then encourage them to click onto other areas that will result in sales or enquiries for you. “Is Establishing All These Reciprocal Links Really Worth All This Hassle?” The main beauty of links is that, normally, the more you have coming into your web site the higher you will be listed in the search engine rankings. If your web site and another similar web site are matched for various criteria but yours has more inbound links than the other then it is, as a rule of thumb, your web site that will be listed higher in the search engine rankings.
You should remember one important thing when considering reciprocal links - no matter what happens an inbound link cannot have a negative effect on your web site's search engine ranking. Even if nobody ever clicks on your link it will still have a boosting effect on your ranking. You should always try to establish links with web sites that share your potential online customer base but are not in competition with you.
“The Longest Journey You’ll Ever Make Begins With A Single Step…” You’re about to start out on a very long and arduous journey that will take up a great deal of your time and will be an ongoing journey – you need to make a plan.
Don’t make the mistake of trying to run the whole show. There will be parts of the marketing work that you will be best suited to and other parts that you might be better passing on to someone else. Here is a brief overview for you of the essential building blocks of successful website marketing:
· You need to optimise your website in preparation for high volumes of visitors
· You need to register your website at global, national, regional and industry-specific search engines
· You need to register your website at global, national, regional and industry-specific directories
· You need to develop a list of potential websites with which to swap links
· You need to set aside time to contact each web site owner, get their linking details, give them your linking details, code each one into your web site etc.
· You need to consider email marketing / newsletter campaigns / online advertising etc.
· You need to monitor progress every step of the way then review and improve
· You need to set measurable targets for your website
· You need to adopt a long-term view to proceedings – nothing will happen over night! “The Very Fact You Are Reading This Makes You One Of The Early Internet Pioneers!”
Remember – we all started somewhere. The World Wide Web as we know it has really only been around for 10 years or so. If you have a website already, or you are just getting started with developing one, you are still in at the ground floor of the Internet revolution.
With the advice and techniques I’ll share with you in the remaining lessons of this course you will be armed with the knowledge to rise above your competitors in no time. I wish you all the best in business, in life and with your web site!
Speak to you again soon. Michael Cheney Founder of Seniority.co.uk & magnet4web and Author of The Website Marketing BibleTM P.S. Don’t forget - you can get more free advice on a regular basis at my Blog: http://michaelcheney.typepad.com/ 7
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